My Life of What Ifs

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Girls' Life Guides: 'tween-appropriate and a giveaway

I am the mom of a tween.  I have the mentality of an older sister. 

So, while I am trying very hard to have an honest, we-can-talk-about-anything kind of relationship with my oldest daughter, I am also killing myself on the inside so that I appropriately tell her that the hand-me-down padded bra she received from her older cousin isn't quite necessary yet for her barely-there buds.  And I resist the urge to hand her a box of kleenex and tell her what she could do with them.

This Mom stuff is hard.  As a 38-year-old with a 16-year-old smart ass attitude it's a challenge not to say bra too loudly in Target.  It's difficult not to yell "Do you think he's cute?" whenever a cute boy is in the vicinity.  There are rules for public and there are rules for home.  'Cuz if the Jonas Brothers are on the tv screen, I'm gonna pick on you. I only have so much self-control.

Amidst my childlike antics I also have a worrier.  I'm a worrier, she's a worrier, wouldn't you like to be a worrier too?  Or, shootin' out the walls of heartache, bang, bang, I am the worrier.

And I don't want the little worrier to freak out about anything more than she already does, thus causing me more worry.  Make sense?

So needless to say I was quite pleased when I learned that Girls' Life Magazine and Scholastic had published a set of Girls' Life Guides that can answer questions for my little worrier in the safety of her own space, without her mother yelling "How about a froggy BRA?" too loudly nearby.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I am not washing my hands of this subject and telling my daughter to just read a book.  These are great books with awesome illustrations and they are written in a way that won't cause my tween any more anxiety.  But I am still here, still involved, with the words "is he your BOYfriend?" on the tip of my tongue.

The first two books in the series, Girls' Life Head-to-Toe Guide To You and Girls' Life Ultimate Guide To Surviving Middle School were released earlier this spring.  They are chock full of advice from pimples and periods to first day jitters and opening your locker.

The series is written by Karen Bokram, Publisher and Founding Editor of Girls' Life magazine and  I am proud to hand these to my pre-pubescent pretty and say "take a look, let me know what you there...cough".  No really, these are great books.

In September the next two books in the series will be released Girls' Life Guide To A Drama-Free Life and Girls' Life Guide to Making Smart Decisions.  But in the meantime I have a set of the first two books to giveaway to you!!!

All you have to do is leave me a comment below telling me about your tween/teen and how you hope the Girls' Life Guides can compliment what you are already teaching and sharing with your daughter.  For a second entry you can become a follower of my blog or follow me on twitter.  Be sure to leave a comment for each entry for more chances to win.  Be sure to leave your email in the comment so I know how to find you.

Now tell me- what color is your BRA???  Just kidding.  I really dont want to know...

P.S.  I also recommend Scholastic's BFF Quiz Books- Chocolate Or Vanilla? (Quick Quizzes for Bff'S), Sweet Or Spicy? (Quick Quizzes for Bff'S) and Friend Or Flirt? (Quick Quizzes for Bff'S).  They shouldn't be taken to seriously but are great entertainment for when stricken by a case of "we're boorrrrrrrreeeeed". 

No purchase necessary to enter. Winners will be selected randomly through Entries that do not follow all of the entry requirements will not be considered. Open to participants in the US only, 18 years and older. Contest ends May 16, 2010 at 11:59:59 p.m. EST.

I was given a set of the Girls' Life Guides for review. The opinions expressed in this post are mine and mine alone and are not influenced in any way by anyone.


Tammey said...

I have both an 11 and a 13 year old daughter and I am ALWAYS looking for ways to talk with my girls...about EVERYTHING! We have already discussed bras and periods and a little about boys and lots of other stuff too, But I think it would be great to add these two books to our list of sources as well. Raising girls right now is tough. They feel they need to grow up fast and with all the outside influences that we have today it can be very scary for a parent! I hope to win these books but if not I think I'll go out and buy them. Contact me at

Theresa said...

Hey Stacy, as you know I also have a tween and I have a teenager (as of March 6 this year). I'm still trying to figure out the older one! But I know these books would be very useful for my tween! :) Thanks for putting them out there to win!


Unknown said...

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Timestamp: 2010-05-18 01:11:31 UTC

Tammey, you are the winner!!!!! I will be in touch!

Thanks so much!