My Life of What Ifs

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What If I didn't make the connection that has opened so many doors?

A year ago right now I was still trying to figure it all out.  I was making progress in my mid-life crisis, but I still wasn't there.  Whereever "there" was.

But as I was experimenting with Twitter, and a variety of Moms boards (in addition to my facebook addiction) I came across a fellow Mom who was looking for Detroit bloggers to help with a new website.  I, of course, contacted her and expressed my interest.

In August of last year, I started contributing to a website called DetroitMommies which was founded by Courtney.  Thanks to Courtney, in the last year I have been invited to a blogging brainstorm at a local TV station and a variety of events for kids and families.  I've reviewed and received some awesome products and I was invited to join Collective Bias, an emerging media firm focused on the intersection of mobile/social media and social shopper marketing.

So, in short, I am writing about what I want to on my blog.  Freelancing for a newspaper covering a variety of stories where every assignment is different and I am always learning something new.  Reading a chick lit book here and there and relaying cool news related to the genre.  And finally, I am paid to shop and offer my opinion.  Seriously.  Can you tell me that commuting an hour each way to sit sit at a desk for eight hours was better than this?  I think not. 

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