My Life of What Ifs

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


This afternoon I tried something new, courtesy of my husband. After you remove your mind from the gutter I will tell you what I did.

As I write this I am sitting at the library. Remember the library? I'll leave returning to your roots and the simple things in life for tomorrow's post, but today it's all about peace and lack of noise.

As Cory put it when I told him I was running out for fabric softener (and a mocha, who am I kidding?) "Why don't you go to the library for a bit so you can get some work done?"

Seriously? I was feeling all lovey to the man for realizing that some time in a quiet work environment away from home would make me much more productive and creative when he decided to keep speaking. "Then maybe you won't such a crab ass all night trying to work when we're all at home." Thanks.

So I ran to Target for some Snuggle (and a mocha because honestly, whoever decided to put a Starbucks in a Target two miles from my house should be sainted). Then I headed on over to the library and here I am. Almost two hours later I have fine-tuned an article for the Examiner that I can't get to publish and I'm posting in my blog for the second day in a row. Progress!

Oddly I am listening to my iPod and don't find it distracting at all (Theory of a Deadman anyone?) but I'm pretty sure the woman reading a book in the comfy chair across from me finds my typing very distracting, but hey it's a public place and once I get this damn space bar fixed I won't have to hit it so hard. Oh, she's leaving, I think she knew I was blogging about her.

Oh, did I mention I also read this weeks People magazine? At the library. Free of charge. Again, who remembers what a library is? Anyone?

It's funny because when Cory is trying to study for a test and I feel the girls and I are being disruptive I often try to get him to go to the library, or anywhere other than the family room really. But he says we don't bother him. How can my big mouth and two mini-mes allow you to have a complete thought, let alone study world history? I can't tune them out when I am working, but apparently he can with great ease because his GPA offers proof. When I try to work at home the girls drive me batty with their bleeding and hunger, geesh!

Anyway, it's been a nice two hours and now I should head on home. Because while I enjoy the old school feel of the library I also enjoy my modern husband. And he should have dinner ready any time now.


Unknown said...

Starbucks, quiet time at the library, and return to a warm dinner...I think you should go the library every day around 4!


Theresa said...

Stacy, I'm hoping he REALLY did have dinner ready for you! lol The library - what a novel concept for quiet time!

kristin said...

But what Theory of a Deadman song was it? That's what I need to know.

Unknown said...

not meant to be :)